Monday, February 4, 2008

The Forgotten Commodity that could turn ever $600 you invest into a whopping $39,750 in just a few short years.

The Forgotten Commodity that could turn ever $600 you invest into a whopping $39,750 in just a few short years.
If my projections are correct, an $18,000 investment could grow into $1,170,000 in less than 10 years.
But don't take my word for it. I want to send you a FREE report containing irrefutable evidence why this stealth commodity is on the verge of an explosion that could make you incredibly rich!
Don't worry, you won't have to trade the commodity if you don't want to, I'll give you the name of a stock traded on a US exchange that could easily move 600% as the bull market in this commodity gets underway.

My research is based on a well-documented discovery that has completely revolutionized market timing and can turn your sluggish portfolio into a cash-generating magnet.

In fact I first began recommending The Forgotten Commodity as an investment opportunity on August 31, 2006. Over the next 6 months it would move 72% turning every $600 invested into a whopping $9,650.

Now the Forgotten Commodity has pulled back and is offering a second chance to get on board. But I'm afraid this could be the last chance. The next leg up could quadruple the price of this commodity and turn every $600 originally invested into a mind-boggling $39,750.

Here's the kicker, it could happen very quickly. Commodities aren't like stocks, they are super sensitive to supply and demand. When supply becomes scare a commodity will move like a bat out of hell. The move is almost always parabolic and occurs very quickly. So the opportunity here is very time sensitive.

In just a moment I'll tell you how you can get your hands on this report absolutely FREE, but first let me tell you why I believe this is the best investment opportunity I've seen in the last 10 years.

The Forgotten Commodity has nothing to do with gold, silver, oil, natural gas, or any other mainstream commodity. For the last 30 years, this commodity has taken a serious beating but it has finally hit bottom and is in the early stages of a new 3 - 10 year bull market.

It reminds me of oil and precious metals back in 1999. They were sitting at 20-year lows and no one would touch them. Of course, that was the best time to buy. Now they've tripled in price and the opportunity just isn't the same.

Sure, gold and silver have more upside, and maybe oil too, but the big money is always made in the beginning stages of a new bull market, not after everyone knows about it.

Supply is scarce and demand is running amok!
Right now, the world supply of the Forgotten Commodity is scarce, in fact it sits at a 34-year low. But that's only half the problem. An even bigger problem is the fact that a newly discovered application for this commodity is ballooning demand out of control.

According to government projections, demand is expected to grow by 20 million tons this year alone, of which 14 million tons will be gobbled up by this new industry – leaving only 6 million tons for world consumption. It's what I call a “perfect storm” that will send this commodity to dizzying heights.

The forgotten commodity has nearly doubled in price since I first began recommending it, but the bull market is still in it's infancy. I expect the price to increase 10-fold in the next 3 to 5 years.

Getting in now puts you among an elite group of the smartest investors in the world who are now building massive positions in this undetected commodity which, in my opinion, will create more millionaires than Microsoft, Oracle, Dell, and Cisco combined.

Billionaires Richard Branson, Paul Allen, Vinod Khosla, and Bill Gates have all placed huge bets on the Forgotten Commodity. Goldman Sachs just dumped 27 million into a privately held company that stands to profit handsomely as this commodity continutes to rise.

Legendary investor and hedge fund manager Jim Rogers says the Forgotten Commodity is where the big gains are to be made over the next 5-10 years.

Right now, you can scoop up the Forgotten Commodity at bargain basement prices, but that is changing fast. So you must act fast!

The most important discovery in the history of the market!
Dear Friend,

My name is Shane Rawlings and for the last decade I've successfully traded stocks, options, and futures using virtually every technical and fundamental indicator available. The challenge with traditional analysis methods is that they only work in certain market conditions and fail miserably in others. Or they give trading signals too late, once the big move has already happened.

I wanted to find something that worked, regardless of market conditions … regardless of time frame. Something that anticipated the market, allowing me get on board the biggest market moves.

In my quest for the “holy grail” of trading, almost by accident I stumbled across an obscure price pattern that has unlocked the natural order of the market.

In my opinion, this discovery is the most important find in the history of the market. One that allows you to predict with razor sharp precision when a market is about to reverse directions and make an explosive move, often as much as 30% to 100% in a matter of weeks.

As impressive as these gains are they pale in comparison to the opportunity that exists right now in the Forgotten Commodity. It's one of the strongest signals I've ever seen. But it gets even better. Three additional commodity markets are also flashing huge buy signals, I'm going to include these additional commdities absolutely free when you send for your FREE copy of The Forgotten Commodity. But you must act fast. If you wait, the opportunity just won't be the same.

Certain investment opportunities only come along once in a lifetime, these opportunities can make you incredibly wealthy. Those who bought gold in 1976 at $125 an ounce increased their wealth six- fold by 1980. Had you bought equities in 1982 you became ultra-rich over the next 18 years.

I believe the opportunity that exists right now in The Forgotten Commodity will create more wealth than buying gold in 76 or equities in 82.

But its not just the Forgotten Commodity that can make you incredibly rich. As you begin to apply this ground-breaking discovery to your own trading, regardless of whether you trade stocks, options, commodities, or currencies, you will watch your profits sky-rocket by as much as $10,000, $20,000, and even $30,000 per month.

Whether you're a short-term swing trader, position trader, or long-term investor this secret will give you an almost unfair advantage over those who don't use it. It practically makes trading a science.

Sound Too Good To Be True
I'll admit it's hard to believe. I don't know if I'd believe it either if I hadn't seen it work over and over again and produce astonishing profits in just about every market. Now I'm convinced. I know when you see it first hand, you'll be a believer too. More important you'll be much richer than you are today.

Don't take my word for it look what others are saying
I finally decided to start actually using these tools to buy and sell stocks, stock options, and commodity options. Over the last year I have seen an original investment of $20,000 grow to over $150,000. I've cashed in and am selecting more trades to make. What you have taught me is truly amazing.

Scott J.
Sarasota, FL
In July I bought 40 OEX call options at a debit of $2.50. I sold it for a credit of $13.10 a gain of 424% netting me $42,000. On August 6, I bought 40 OEX call options for $7.00. Two days later I sold them for $15.00 netting me an additional $32,000! Before I got your system I had lost $200,000 in my trading. Since then I have not lost a penny from trading.

Stephen L.
Markham, Ontario CAN
In the last five months I'm up over 53% on my entire portfolio. My daily average is $351 dollars and this month I've already made just under $12,000 and the month is only half over. At this pace, I'll easily make over $100,000 this year from trading. I couldn't have done it without your system.

Donald S.
Napean, Ontario CAN
Yesterday morning I bought the August 22.5 calls on ARO for $1.12. The price of the stock gapped up as expected and I sold for $2.40 netting me over 100% in one day. I also bought the August 17.5 calls of BEBE for $1.35. The stock gapped up strongly in the morning and continued to run up. I sold for $4.10 shortly after market open realizing roughly a 200% gain overnight. Thanks for all your help, the course you put together is really great!

Peter Birchler
Overland Park, Kansas
I just wanted to take a minute and say thanks to you for taking the time to share your knowledge with us. I used it quite nicely this past week! I bought 10 MATK puts at $1.30 and then 10 more at .60 cents and sold them for $21.00 or $42000!!!! I think my investment in your course has more than paid for itself! Thanks again and happy trading!

Dave Kasko
We have put our condo up for sale and yesterday we purchased a new motor home and took delivery of a new lap top computer. I will go in to work this week and discuss with them how much time they will want to replace me! My wife and I have always dreamed of full timing it in a motor here we go! The results from trading are convincing enough for me that I no longer have any fears about the financial future ...I know that I now have a means by which I can make 8,000.00 to 12,000.00 a month if I need to with only a $40,000.00 purse. Not only that, I am having fun!! I have cleared $10,000.00 since I started in November. Thanks, big time.

Hal M .
Richmond, MI
I targeted two stocks in August that looked to me like they might break out. I purchased the 22.50 August call options on FWHT at $0.96 per contract. I sold them yesterday at $4.30 a contract for a 345% return in 21 days. The profit I earned was $11,500 after commissions. This was my first trade, so after one trade, needless to say, I more than paid for the course materials. My second position is with LEND and is up 750% as of right now. Earning me an additional $5,500. I wanted to say thank and feel free to share this success story with your co-workers and students.

Eric K.
Carol Stream, IL

So What Is This Secret Anyway?
I can't say too much without giving away the proprietary nature of this secret but I can tell you this, it is a price pattern based on a discovery made by a stock trader in the early 1900's who published his secret in a book which he sold for over $1,500 – the equivalent of three Ford automobiles in his day.

He only sold 1,000 copies and then stopped printing the book. This may have been to keep his secret from becoming too widely publicized. Because so few copies were ever sold, his greatest trading secret is just as effective today as when it was first released.

No this pattern has nothing to do with traditional patterns like head and shoulders, triangles, or wedges – not even close. Although in his book he devotes hundreds of pages to explain these, and other trivial patterns.

In my opinion this was done as an elaborate smoke screen...a goose chase...designed to divert your attention away from his most prized trading secret. In fact, his book is over 440 pages long and he only dedicates 1 page to the disclosure of this incredible trading secret. If you aren't paying attention, you'll skip right over it. That is if you can locate a copy of his book.

This secret completely demystifies the market and can make you very very rich.

No this trader is not the legendary W.D. Gann, this trader kept his secrets much more private. Although it is believed he knew Mr. Gann and may have actually influenced some of Mr. Gann's ideas.

How I Discovered And Perfected This Secret
I'll admit, I'm not the first person to realize the significance of this discovery. I know of a handful of other traders who have attempted to use it, but with only marginal success. You see they lack one key ingredient – an ingredient that was never revealed in the book itself...but I believe was understood by the author.

This ingredient is the missing link and makes the difference between average profits and downright obscene profits. After nearly ten years of back-breaking research...gazing at thousands of stock charts...relentlessly crunching numbers...and doing rigorous back-tests – I've uncovered what I believe is the missing link – the key to picking market tops and bottoms virtually every time.

You see there are certain mathematical relationships – a code if you will – that tells you exactly when this pattern is likely to signal a trend reversal. I call it “The Profit Forecasting Code”.

Don't worry, it's not based on difficult equations or anything like that. It's actually very simple, any fourth-grade kid can do the calculations using nothing more than a pencil and piece of paper. And the whole thing can be done in less than 15 minutes a day.

I've seen many traders take a bath trying to pick a top or bottom using traditional analysis methods. Without the Profit Forecasting Code, picking tops and bottoms is worse than sharp-shooting with a shotgun. It's extremely dangerous and can be a bloody mess.

So I've broken down the Code into a handful of simple, straightforward rules that anyone can use to pinpoint market tops and bottoms with uncanny precision. I've compiled these rules and published them in my new manual The Profit Forecasting Code.

Armed with the Code you'll know days to weeks in advance the exact price at which a stock, commodity, or currency is likely to reverse directions and make a monster size move in the opposite direction, giving you the opportunity to reap huge rewards.

The Profit Forecasting Code is like having a copy of tomorrows Wall Street Journal – Today! It gives you a window into the future and predicts market moves that are just plain staggering.

It has already turned every $600 invested in the Forgotten Commodity into a whopping $9650 in only 9 months and the bull market is just getting started. Eventually every $600 invested could easily become worth $39,750.

The 14 investing principles you are guaranteed to learn in your FREE copy of The Profit Forecasting Code
Nail 5 out of 7 market tops and bottoms with this one, almost-magical indicator. Pages 56-58
Insure your stocks from market crashes – with no money of your own. Page 106
Make $8,600 in profit per $1,000 risk. Page 18
Immediately double your annual returns with this little known secret. Page 66
Potentially control $58,498 worth of Microsoft for only $440 dollars. Page 81
Double and Triple your money with only a 5% to 10% move in the stock. Page 86
Trade stocks with less risk. This strategy has limited risk, with unlimited profit potential. Page 69
Clean up when the market crashes using a limited risk strategy with virtually unlimited profit potential. Page 87
Start with as little as $300 and watch it double and triple in just a few short days. Page 70
Pounce profits out of the “Johnny come lately” type traders…and investors…using 4 unique sentimental indicators. Page 61-63
Turn your IRA or portfolio into a cash-cow with a strategy Value Line calls "the most attractive option strategy". Page 98
Routinely lock in profits without using a stop loss – this assures you'll never be stopped out of the biggest market movers. Page 93
Create a NO-RISK trade with as much as a 15%-20% per year upside potential. When this opportunity rears its head, it's a guaranteed winner every time. Page 108
Nice…easy…and steady profits with as high as a 90% win ratio. This strategy is so safe it can even be done in your IRA, or your kids custodial IRA. Page 103

Build Your Own Fortune!
Whether you like to trade stocks, commodities, futures, or options the secrets I'm going to reveal to you when you send for your risk-free copy of The Profit Forecasting Code will give you the opportunity to amass a huge personal fortune – even if you are starting with next to nothing!

More, it does not take 10, 20, or 30 years to grow wealthy, you can do it quickly, while you're still young enough to enjoy it, whether the stock market is going up or down.

The publisher price for The Profit Forecasting Code is $95, but as part of a special introductory offer I'm letting it go for the ridiculously low price of $39.95.

That's right, for less than dinner and a movie you can get your very own copy of The Profit Forecasting Code where I reveal to you what I consider to be the most important discovery in the history of the market.

When you send for your 100% risk-free copy of The Profit Forecasting Code I'm including absolutely FREE a copy of my exclusive report The Forgotten Commodity. You can trade the commodity itself, or buy the stock I give you that could increase 600% as the bull market in this commodity continues. Either way, The Profit Forecasting Code will pay for itself a hundred times over.

The information in The Forgotten Commodity report could potentially make you a millionaire in a few short years. But it's not for sale at any price. I'm only making it available to readers of The Profit Forecasting Code. So Don't delay. Take me up on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and send for your 100% risk-free copy today!

1 Year Iron-clad 100% Money-Back Guarantee
I'm so convinced that The Profit Forecasting Code will sky-rocket your profits and completely change your trading results that I'm backing it up with a full 12-month 100% unconditional money-back guarantee. Get my new system, read it, use it, learn all of my most coveted trading secrets and even haul in thousands of dollars in trading profits. If for any reason, at any time within the first 12 months you aren't completely satisfied simply return the course and I'll refund every penny you paid me, including your shipping & handling charges.

People have told me I'm crazing for making this offer, but I want you to have plenty of time to use The Profit Forecasting Code and prove to yourself how amazing this discovery truly is. I know once you start using The Profit Forecasting Code you'll never send it back because you'll be much richer than you are today!

Send NO Money
I'm sure you're still a little skeptical, and I don't blame you. If I hadn't seen this system work over and over with my own eyes I don't know that I'd believe it either. That's why I want you to see for yourself how incredible this system really is. So I'm inviting you to sample this incredible trading secret absolutely FREE for the next 30 Days.

Don't make any financial decisions right now. The wrong decision could cost you tens of thousands of dollars, maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Just say “YES” to my 100% risk-free 30-day trial offer and I'll immediately rush you The Profit Forecasting Code! Absolutely FREE!

Flip through the pages. Learn this little-known trading secret that can boost your profits by $10,000, $20,000 and even $30,000 per month. If you decide you don't want it, for any reason, just send it back and owe nothing.

But if you agree, The Profit Forecasting Code is exactly what you need to be a more successful trader, do nothing. At the end of 30 days your credit card will be conveniently billed one time for $39.95 + $5 shipping. That's over 50% off the regular price of $95. But more important, you can continue using this proven money-maker forever.

By the way, this incredible discovery I have worked so hard to uncover and perfect is found on pages 49-60 in The Profit Forecasting Code. (you may want to write those pages down so you know immediately where to look when you get your FREE copy)

Plus – A FREE $247 Bonus If You Order Right Now!
If you respond before Wednesday, February 6, 2008 you'll receive 2 special bonuses valued at over $247 absolutely FREE!

First - You'll receive your very own copy of my latest report Rock Bottom Stocks. ($49 value) In this exclusive report I reveal to you the names of 3 companies that are on the brink of an enormous move that could potentially double your portfolio in the next year.

Not only do I give you the specific ticker symbol for each company, your report also comes with a detailed analysis showing you the application of this secret price pattern and why I feel these 3 opportunities are practically in the bag. Two of the companies have already moved about 15% from where I first recommended them but I expect all three companies to move between 100% and 300% so you haven't missed anything yet,
but I expect them to take
off soon so don't delay.

Second - you'll receive a FREE 60-day trial subscription to The Virtual Investing Club, my latest stock and option picking service. Before I buy anything I'll notify you of explosive patterns that are setting up, this same pattern uncovered SWHC up 308% in 17 months, RGR up 163% in 13 months, CTB up 168% in 9 months, and BNVI up 284% in 3 months.

In addition to sending you the stocks I'm trading, I'll also send you short-term trading opportunities utilizing options. In the last 9 months our option picks have produced a staggering 331% return turning every $10,000 invested into a whopping $43,000. At that rate a $10,000 account grows into $2,560,000 in just 4 short years.

During your FREE 60-day trial I'll also alert you to potentially profitable opportunities in the commodity and future markets, like the one that exists right now in the Forgotten Commodity. And finally you'll receive weekly market timing updates on all major markets including equities, precious metals, gas & oil, bonds & rates, and various other markets.

You get two full months absolutely FREE with no obligation to continue. These picks I'll send you, during your FREE 60-day trial, have the potential to earn you between 50% and 300% on your money. ($198 value)

That's $247 in FREE Bonuses, Plus The Forgotten Commodity Report, just for taking The Profit Forecasting Code for a FREE 30-Day Test Drive!

Why Share it?
On occasion I've been asked “If this is so good why share it, why not just trade it?” My response - “why not do both?” I consider myself very fortunate to have stumbled across this incredible trading secret – it has completely turned my trading career around and made me a very wealthy individual.

I love to hear from other traders who have become wealthy using my system – nothing is more rewarding. So please write and share your success.

Learn this incredible money-making secret with the potential to make you millions starting right now!

Don't Wait! Get your Free Copy of The Profit Forecasting Code Today! Don't Miss Out On The Next Big Stock Explosion!

Yes, please rush me my free copy of The Profit Forecasting Code, The Forgotten Commodity,
and my 2 Additional Bonus Items
Valued at $247 at No Cost Whatsoever!

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Futures Fundamentals

Futures Fundamentals: Introduction Sponsor: At last, an easy way to predict stock trends – get your FREE copy of 5 Chart Patterns You Need to Know. A futures contract is a type of derivative instrument, or financial contract, in which two parties agree to transact a set of financial instruments or physical commodities for future delivery at a particular price. If you buy a futures contract, you are basically agreeing to buy something that a seller has not yet produced for a set price. But participating in the futures market does not necessarily mean that you will be responsible for receiving or delivering large inventories of physical commodities - remember, buyers and sellers in the futures market primarily enter into futures contracts to hedge risk or speculate rather than to exchange physical goods (which is the primary activity of the cash/spot market). That is why futures are used as financial instruments by not only producers and consumers but also speculators. The consensus in the investment world is that the futures market is a major financial hub, providing an outlet for intense competition among buyers and sellers and, more importantly, providing a center to manage price risks. The futures market is extremely liquid, risky and complex by nature, but it can be understood if we break down how it functions. While futures are not for the risk averse, they are useful for a wide range of people. In this tutorial, you'll learn how the futures market works, who uses futures and which strategies will make you a successful trader on the futures market. Next: Futures Fundamentals: A Brief History